Streamlined Drug Costs
Origins Pharmacy Solutions® provides cost effective pricing structures to ensure that pharmacy expenses remain under control.
Simplified Pharmacy Invoicing and Management Reports
By utilizing Origins’ pricing structures, clients will receive one consolidated pharmacy invoice for all medications filled for its patients, regardless of how many different pharmacies are utilized. Customized online management reports provide valuable information for evaluating pharmacy expenses and determining changes that can be made in prescribing habits for further cost savings.
Simple Patient Admissions
With access to Origins’ simple patient admissions process, hospice can quickly enter new patients for immediate access to services in the broad pharmacy network.
Access to Large Pharmacy Network
Origins’ robust pharmacy network provides hospice clients flexibility in their choice of pharmacy providers to ensure that they are able to use the pharmacies most convenient for staff and patients.
Manual of Appropriate Pharmacotherapies® (MAPs®)
The Origins MAPs® formulary is built on the principles of evidence based medicine and cost-effectiveness, resulting in an encompassing formulary of cost-conscious therapeutic options.
Medication Therapy Reviews
To help clients meet the medication review requirements included in the CoPs, they can choose to utilize Origins’ medication therapy review service. Reviews are performed only by geriatric certified pharmacists with experience and training in hospice pharmaceutical care.